Nandan GSE Policy Statements

NANDAN has set itself the goal of profitable growth and corporate responsibility. Our Global Code of Conduct is a clear set of standards for our business principles. This Code covers a wide range of business practices, procedures and serves as a guide to ethical decision-making. This Code does not cover every issue that may arise, but it sets out basic policies to guide directors, officers and employees of the Company and its affiliates.


Quality Standards

NANDAN GSE is committed to Achieve Customer Satisfaction through

  • Ensure High Standard of Design and Process For Manufacturing Reliable Product at Competitive Price.
  • Continuous Improvement in Quality, Service and Timely Deliveries to Exceed Customer Expectation.
  • Planned and Efficient Utilization of Technology, Human and Material Resources.
  • Training To Employees To Improve Their Skills And Widen Knowledge base.
  • Continual Improvement in Our Processes, People, Performance & Products.

Core Values

People and Teamwork
We will treat people with respect and dignity in a collaborative environment that aligns the organization, achieves high performance and rewards team success. We strive to attract, motivate and reward highly talented people who embrace their work with pride and passion. We inspire their dedication and best efforts by investing in their development, rewarding their accomplishments and providing them with challenging and rewarding opportunities for personal growth. We are committed to diversity and inclusion, and value the opinions of each individual. We are committed to frequent and open communication of information and ideas.Accountability, Integrity and Trust
We will act honestly and consistently with all; accept responsibility to deliver results and commit to openly communicate. We will be guided by the highest standards of ethical business conduct and by this simple principle: Do the right thing. Our business is built on long-lasting relationships, founded on trust. Our handshake is our bond. We stand behind our promises. We treat our employees, customers and partners with fairness, honesty and respect, just as we would want them to treat us. At Nandan GSE, our goal is to build long-term relationships and trusted partnerships.Creativity and Innovation
We are committed to an environment in which people are encouraged to disseminate knowledge, take risks, openly share ideas and turn them into business opportunities.Dedication to Excellence
We will set high standards for performance and strive to be best in class through outstanding leadership at all levels. We value individual initiative, entrepreneurial decision making, teamwork and a passion for excellence. We intend to be an industry leader wherever we compete. We are committed to operational excellence, product quality and customer service. Our people are empowered to exercise initiative and are accountable for their results. We embrace change, encourage innovation and seek continuous improvement by learning from our experiences.Social Responsibility
We are committed to meeting the highest standards of corporate citizenship and creating a long lasting positive impact on the communities where we do business.Nandan GSE is committed to building trusted partnerships with communities, employees, customers and investors. We partner with host governments, community groups and other stakeholders to develop programs that can make a measureable and sustainable difference. Following our Values, we operate safely, protect the environment, obey laws, respect diverse cultures and do the right thing for the people in the communities where we work and live

Quality Objective

Objective Measurable Target
Minimum 80% Customer Satisfaction. 80% Annually
To Ensure 90% on Time Delivery 90% Annually
Reduction in In-House Job Rejection 0% Annually
Growth in Annual Sales in Domestic & International Market

Environmental & Health Standardse

Nandan GSE and its subsidiaries recognize that excellence in Environmental, health, and safety performance is an essential part of Our goal to become the leading manufacturer of Hitech lifting equipment. To accomplish this, we will:

  • Identify, assess and manage the environmental, health and safety risks and impacts of our existing and planned operations.
  • Set objectives and targets that result in continuous improvement of our environmental, health and safety performance.
  • Provide the leadership and resources that will enable our workforce to meet improvement objectives and targets.
  • Require every employee to take personal responsibility towards meeting environmental, health and safety objectives.
  • Include environmental, health and safety performance when evaluating managers, employees and contractors for compensation, rewards and recognition.
  • Comply with applicable environmental, health and safety laws and regulations.
  • Recognize that no task is so important that it be performed at the risk of health and safety.
  • Provide internal standards for our managers and employees where controlling laws and regulations do not exist or are considered insufficient.
  • Communicate regularly with the communities where we operate to develop and maintain a mutual understanding of goals and expectations.
  • Promote the conservation of energy and natural resources and reduce waste.
  • Routinely monitor, assess and report on the company’s environmental, health and safety performance and on our conformity with this policy.

Human Rights

Nandan GSE Pvt Ltd is committed to protecting the health and safety of our employees and neighbours, safeguarding the environment, creating a sustainable positive impact in our host communities and respecting all human rights where we operate.While governments have the principal role in protecting human rights, we believe that our company can and should respect and advance human rights in our sphere of influence. We recognize that we often operate in politically challenging and complex environments. We believe that this also presents us with an opportunity to make positive and lasting contributions in the areas of governance, transparency, respect for the rule of law, and social and economic development.Labour Practices
We do not permit the employment of children in our workforce or the use of forced or compulsory labour in any of our operations.We are committed to diversity and provide equal employment opportunities to all employees and job applicants regardless of race, colour, sex, age, sexual orientation, creed, national origin or disability.We do not tolerate any form of workplace harassment, including sexual harassment of an employee or employment candidate.Supply Chain
We are committed to a strong and diverse supplier network which supports our goal of making a positive contribution in the communities where we do business. We expect contractors and suppliers to respect our voluntary commitments, Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, and Environment, Health and Safety, Social Responsibility and related policies.Community Engagement and Social Development
We recognize that our operations can create a significant economic and social impact. Where we operate, we actively engage with civil society, local communities and host governments to secure a social license to operate. Where appropriate, we support programs that make a lasting and positive impact on education, health and community development. Our approach to program design is to engage stakeholders early on to understand their priorities and involve them in program development, implementation and assessment.The Company routinely monitors, assesses and reports on our conformity with this policy. We require all employees to comply with this Policy and related directives and policies. We are working to ensure that our contractors and suppliers respect this policy.

Privacy Policy

At Nandan GSE, we collect personal information including name, email ID, phone number, and company name. This data is used solely for communication with our clients and for occasional marketing purposes related to our services.

Rest assured, Nandan GSE does not share this data with any third party.

Our website ensures data security through encryption measures, and all information collected is stored on encrypted cloud servers.

Users have the right to request corrections or deletions of their data. For any queries regarding your information, please contact us.

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