Enhancing Safety and Efficiency in Chennai Metro Rail Limited Project with Nandan GSE’s Cutomized Scissor Lift


A renowned construction company, undertook the Chennai Metro Rail Limited project, which involved extensive overhead installation and fitment tasks. A significant part of this project was the station building process, particularly the formwork installation for floor construction.

The Problem:

During the formwork installation, the construction company relied on cranes and other potentially hazardous methods. These unsafe practices not only led to accidents but also resulted in higher costs and time consumption due to the need for scaffolding. Furthermore, the use of various other practices caused delays in the project, affecting the overall timeline and budget.

The Solution:

Seeking a safer and more efficient solution, this construction company approached Nandan GSE. After a thorough analysis and discussion with their team, Nandan GSE presented a conceptual design tailored to the project’s needs. A site visit further helped Nandan GSE understand the application, leading them to propose a customized scissor lift for the formwork installation.

Nandan GSE then designed and manufactured a customized self-propelled scissor lift (electric scissor lift). This lift had a carrying capacity of 1.5 tons at a height of 8 meters. To ensure maximum safety, the lift was equipped with features like a tilting sensor, stabilizer interlocking, and emergency stops.

The Result:

The introduction of this scissor lift brought about transformative changes to the CMRL project:

  1. Safety Improvement: There was a 55% enhancement in safety during the formwork installation process.
  2. Zero Human Injury: The rate of human injury, which was a significant concern earlier, dropped to zero.
  3. Cost & Time Efficiency: The new solution eliminated the need for scaffolding, leading to cost savings. Additionally, the scissor lift’s ability to be used in various locations saved considerable time.
  4. Quality and Value: The construction company found the scissor lift to be of the right quality, offering a valuable solution for their investment.


Nandan GSE’s innovative scissor lift solution not only addressed the safety concerns of our client but also brought about significant improvements in efficiency and cost-effectiveness. This case underscores the importance of understanding specific project needs and designing tailored solutions that offer both safety and value.